Which then made me go back and watch the video, and then I looked for others. Then I spend approximately 4 hours watching Donny Osmond on YouTube. Interviews, skits, special appearances etc. I get like that.
Yes, I do love Donny Osmond. I admit it. I'm not ashamed. Not in a "I have all his albums and I still have the Teen Beat pin ups he did." Nothing like that. I have just always enjoyed him as an entertainer and he continues to show up in my life like a favorite cousin from out of state. Pops in to visit, makes you laugh and smile and then goes away again. Gone, but not forgotten.
- I was born the year he recorded "Puppy Love" and "Go Away Little Girl" and I was around 8 or 9 when the Donny and Marie show went off the air. I remember the Donny and Marie dolls my next door neighbor had. He was in a pink and purple outfit that matched Marie's dress. Don't get me started on how I love Marie Osmond.
- He resurfaced in my life in 1989, with Soldier of Love, which is a song I did love, and then Sacred Emotion.... swoon. Those were the years of Richard Marx and Michael Bolton, so all the songs sorta sounded like that.
- In the late 90's he Marie did another TV show that I used to watch whenever I was home during the day. He was funny, he made me laugh. Marie was funny and sassy.
- He was on an Episode of Friends, doing Pyramid.
- He did Dancing with the Stars a few years back- kicked ass. Won.
- Last week while I was in Vegas I was at Caesars Palace, right across the street from the Flamingo, where there is the Donny and Marie theater and he performs there weekly.
Now before you laugh at me, let me explain something. He's just a decent guy and a good performer. He's been married for like 35 years. Since he was 20. That's impressive for a guy in show business who has had a pretty tough time of it. Big success, big failure. No scandalous rumors, no drugs or alcohol problems. He's squeaky clean and he's still VERY entertaining.
It's odd that I would find someone like this so appealing to me, you know, with my affinity for drug addicts and bad boys. However, there is something refreshing about it. You just don't see it often. He's a guy who knows how to work a crowd and he can make people laugh and he seems to have a pretty good sense of humor. He also just has nothing to hide, I mean, he went on the Howard Stern show and admitted that he doesn't have oral sex. He would do that for his wife if she asked, and that he would never ask his wife for oral sex. Hmmmm, ok, I find that odd- but who am I to judge what people do or don't do in the privacy of their own bedroom? I mean, I'm sure what I do in the bedroom might seem odd to people. Well, then again, what I mostly do in the bedroom is play Facebook games on my phone and fold laundry while trying to stave off attacks from my stupid cat. I know not everyone does that.
So yes, I do love Donny Osmond- what's not to love?? I think we all hang on to things from our childhood and he was a part of the childhoods of most of us who grew up in the 70's. I tend to silently hoard the good memories I have of my childhood. Take them out to relive them when I can and quietly tuck them back away as so not to be marred by anyone else's memories or even harsh realities.
I like having my childhood crushes and hero's and leaving them in that nice little space. I decided early on that I HATED MTV's Behind the Music because it made me sad to hear about the drug problems and sex addiction and drunken binges of my favorite artists. I stopped watching them because I really disliked knowing some of the horrible truths about these people. I know they are humans and they have problems and addictions, and horrible things that they go thru, and I respect each persons individual journey through life, however, it also somewhat invades the quiet space I hold for these people. If I don't see it on the daily news, then I don't need to tune in for MTV to come and shatter my perceptions. What I have managed to do though, is see them in concert as an adult, like Duran Duran and Rick Springfield- allowing me an experience I didn't have as a child, with the ones I loved when I was one.
Next time I go to Vegas, I think I might have to take in that show at the Flamingo, and let the memories live on for a few more years.
1 comment:
Oddly enough, I kept my Donnie and Marie Barbie dolls. I had to explain to my girls who they were of course. My girls now play with the dolls, and just last week we were looking for Donnie. We found him headless and missing a leg. Marie seems to have survived somehow.
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